Minecraft PE 1.17.10

Download the full version of the Caves & Cliffs Minecraft 1.17.10 update for Android with a working Xbox Live and meet a completely new underworld!

Minecraft PE 1.17.10

Minecraft 1.17.10 – What’s interesting?

The developers at Mojang Studios have released the Minecraft 1.17.10 Caves & Cliffs update. There are some interesting innovations in this update. For example, new material has appeared in the underworld that is not so easy to get – amethyst. Also, the developers have worked on fixing bugs.

Amethyst and Amethyst Geode

New Minecraft material 1.17.10. In order to get the amethyst, the user will have to go down into the caves. Here he needs to find an amethyst geode. It consists of three layers: outer, middle, and inner. The outer layer is composed of smooth basalt, while the middle layer is composed of calcite.

Amethyst Geode

In the inner layer in Minecraft 1.17.10, you can find blooming amethyst, buds, and amethyst blocks. There are often when the amethyst geode blocks the passage. It is also worth noting that you only need to mine amethyst with an iron, diamond, or netherite pickaxe. Amethyst Geode has a 95% chance of spawning with a crack, through which the inner layer is immediately accessible.


In Minecraft 1.17.10, the player has the opportunity to follow what is happening far from him. And it became available with the help of a telescope. You must use two copper ingots and one amethyst shard to craft this item.


The spyglass has a unique usage animation visible when playing in third-person mode. When used, a square vignette appears that is similar to the effect of a carved pumpkin.


Another interesting innovation in Minecraft 1.17.10. The candle is a new light source that can even be mounted on a cake.


Four candles can be installed on one block at once. To craft this item, you must use a honeycomb and string.

Error correction

As previously mentioned, in Minecraft 1.17.10, the developers have worked on bugs:

  • clock and compass worked in the recipe book;
  • a crash that could occur when a structure was displaced with a command to an unloaded area.

Download Minecraft PE 1.17.10

Name Minecraft Bedrock
Version 1.17.10
OS Android
Producer Microsoft
Author Mojang
License Free
Xbox Live +
Size 122 МБ

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